In Extra Yarn, magic yarn connects adults to children, animals to humans, and a community to its town. Annabelle's yarn does not end when she uses it to knit for everyone around her, symbolizing endless giving to others. Like it, a candle burning bright accompanies us throughout the Jewish calendar as an expression of human giving. Our Rabbis have likened one person's giving to another to infinite light in the following excerpt: As a person who lights one candle from another, and the second burns while the first is not diminished. [Bamidbar Rabbah, 13]
Age Group: First Grade
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סריגה משמחת לבב אנוש! בוא לראות איך חוט קטן וצמרירי משמח עצים ילדים, גדרות וספסלים!
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TSHFA 2020-2021