A grandfather, grandson and a donkey set off on a journey. Grandfather rides on back of the donkey while the grandson walks alongside him. Passersby do not like this arrangement, and each one proposes a different way for the three to walk together. Ultimately, in an attempt to please everyone, the grandfather and grandson lift the donkey and carry him on their shoulders!
The classic Israeli children’s book writer UrielOfek wrote this rhyming rendition of a well-known folktale, which illustrates with humor how one can’t please everyone all the time. After reading the story parents and children can laugh together and tell jokes. The book is distributed before the holiday of Purim, as it is written, “When the month of Adar comes, joy is increased” (Mishnichnas Adar marbinbisimcha). Children will also learn the Hebrew saying “Think before you act” (Sofma’asehbimachshavatechila), and consider how it relates to their own behavior.
“Ad deloyadah”: Laughter and Humor
What makes us laugh? Usually it’s things that everyone knows, but that are presented in a different and surprising way. Children laugh at things that happen to them or to their friends, and at things that are presented in opposite ways than what they usually expect. The holiday of Purim is the one day of the year in which we celebrate opposites, and it’s as if we are carrying donkeys on our shoulders.
Humor opens up a space within us for creative and free thinking. It can be a fun way of learning and of looking at ourselves.
In our story, passersby criticize the grandfather and the grandson at every step of the journey. They in turn respond to this in an absurd way, until finally it isn’t clear who the real "donkey" is!
Jewish Humor
The famous “Jewish humor” is really humor about oneself. These are jokes that Jews relay to other Jews, and about what? About things that happened to Jews, of course! Throughout the Diaspora and in Israel, the humorous tales of Hershele, Jucha and the Wise Men of Chelm accompany the Jewish people and bring a smile to their faces even during the most difficult times.
Do you have a joke to tell us? Send us your jokes!
Age Group: Preschool (4-6)
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