A male cat goes for a walk. And what about the female cat? She wants to go, too! The male cat doesn’t want her to join him and he offers her a package and a meatball instead, but that’s not what she wants; she has her own ideas. A sweet, rhyming story about the making choices and developing independence.
Age Group: Daycare (2-3)
The boy cat refuses to allow the girl cat to join him on his walk, but the girl cat does not give up, and suggests another option with a smile – to go for a walk herself, and follow her heart’s desire. Toddlers may also be told at times that they cannot join someone else’s game, share an item or take part in some activity, and being denied something could make them feel bad. The book And the Cat suggests that they should not give up, but find their own way by themselves.
If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
[Mishna Avot 1:13]
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עם עובד
Year of Distribution:
תשפ״ד 2023-2024