For generations, across the globe, Jews have dreamed of returning to Eretz Yisrael. When the characters in this book make their shared dream come true, and two new olim (immigrants) from distant lands meet on Israeli soil, they do not look alike at all – they do not speak the same language, nor dress similarly. What can possibly make them connect? This book is about a dream that came true, uniting people from faraway lands, and is based on a true story. "We were like those who dream" (Psalms, 126:1)
Age Group: Second Grade
In the Book of Psalms, the return to Zion is described as a dream come true, a journey back to the Promised Land that is filled with joy and laughter. Many families have come to Israel from afar. Much like the characters in this book, they had dreamed of returning to the land of their forefathers, a place where they can “build and be built”, make their dreams come true, knowing with certainty that if we only will it – it is no dream.
Copies Distributed:
כנרת זמורה
Year of Distribution:
555 2019-2020