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Maybe, Possibly, Perhaps

By: Tuvya Dickman illustrations: Menahem Halberstadt

Mr. Goat blocked the road and now it is difficult to get past; Miss Vixen picked all the raspberries and did not leave a single one; why? Depends on who you ask. This story suggests that "maybe, possibly, perhaps" there is a good explanation for everything,  people should be given the benefit of the doubt, and an optimistic outlook adopted. "Judge everyone favorably" (Ethics of the Fathers, 1:6)

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

In Hebrew, הווי דן את כל האדם לכף זכות, meaning we should all judge others favorably, literally translates as “weighing others on the scales of merit”. In Ethics of the Fathers, our Rabbis teach us to think of others in a positive way, and look for the good in everyone.

Of all the animals, it is the prickly porcupine who looks upon others with kindness. This book suggests that we refrain from being hastily judgmental and instead wait a moment, open our eyes and hearts, and find the good in every person’s actions.


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