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A Gift for Mama

By: Lawrence Schimel illustrations: Paz Rodero

Tani and Tina (originally Abel and Rita) want to give their mother a gift by way of expressing their gratitude and love for her. Reading this book together prompts parents and children to discuss the special relationships between family members, and how young children are capable of thanking their parents, and showing them that they are grateful to them.

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

Honor thy parents


The Torah tells us in the ten commandments to “honor thy father and thy mother” (Exodus, 20:11). We can show our parents respect in different ways, depending on our age. When children are young, they can express their gratitude towards their parents by seeing all the good things that the latter bestow upon them. In A Gift for Mama, Tani and Tina give their mother gifts that are not store-bought, and yet are priceless. Young children are also capable of giving their parents special, personal gifts, thereby expressing their love and gratitude, in ways that, despite being simple and every-day, mean the world to those who receive them.


Enjoy reading this book together!

Copies Distributed:



מ' מזרחי

Year of Distribution:

555 2019-2020