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A Girl all by Herself

By: Ora Ayal illustrations: Ora Ayal

Shulamit asked everyone in her household to tell her a story. When no one obliged, a miracle happened – "a story told itself"!   "Ask your father, and he will show you; your elders, and they will tell you" (Deuteronomy, 32:7)

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

Which stories are told in your family? Do you often tell “old time” stories, about past events? Do you make up imaginary tales? Or read books with your children? Does your child like to tell you stories, make them up or leaf through books? Do they do so alone, or with you?

Stories allow us to discover another time or place, think differently, or learn about another person’s experience. A Girl all by Herself describes a moment when reality meets the imagination, and gives us a glimpse into Shulamit’s personal experience through her story.

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555 2019-2020