Parents sing to a newborn child, and play tunes for children before they have learned to speak: before bedtime, on the road, even in the bath. Songs and melodies are cherished in a deep, dear place in our souls, and often songs we learned when we were very young continue to accompany us for many a year.Parents sing to a newborn child, and play tunes for children before they have learned to speak: before bedtime, on the road, even in the bath. Songs and melodies are cherished in a deep, dear place in our souls, and often songs we learned when we were very young continue to accompany us for many a year.
Age Group: Preschool (3-5)
“A song moves through the generations” (Ehud Manor)
In this collection of poems entitled A Singing Chain we enjoy the wealth and joy of classical Israeli rhyming songs anew. Songs are part of the tradition passed on from one generation to the next, a precious chain of gold we inherit to our children too.
Copies Distributed:
אחוזת בית
Year of Distribution:
1977 2016-2017