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Animal Stories

By: Oded Burla illustrations: Asya Eizenstein

A fawn that feels sorry for itself, a flying squirrel, and a tiger who watches over young birds instead of devouring them. These stories and more by children’s author Oded Burla feature amusing animals and wild imaginings while providing some food for thought.   “A man shall roll [have patience] with his son until he is twelve years of age” (Ketubot 50)

Age Group: Second Grade

In the tractate of Ketubot it says that a person continues to teach his son and learn with him until he is twelve years of age – long after he knows how to read, and can learn on his own. When parents and children read together, they do not only learn together, but present one another with the gift of shared time, which often involves other experiences, interests, joys, and a bolstering of family ties. Animal Stories is the last book for this year, and is filled with wonderfully rolling Hebrew, laughter, and lessons about human nature taught best through animals. Although your child is approaching the end of second grade, reading together is still highly recommended – it is an opportunity to spend time together, enjoy the stories with one another, and discuss them.

Have a pleasant reading!

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ידיעות ספרים

Year of Distribution:

5779 2018-2019