The tiger has lost his smile. He sets off on a journey to find it: He climbs high mountains, descends to the depths of the sea, prances across the desert and walks in the rain. As he splashes through a large puddle, the tiger discovers a wonderful surprise, right under his nose.
"And the light is sweet and it is good for the eyes to behold the sun"
The tiger set off to seek happiness, and found it in simple acts of nature: birds chirping, taking a dip in the sea, creating tracks in the sand and dancing in the rain. If you look carefully at the illustrations, you can distinguish the tiger's small smile as it gradually returns to his face.
As Ecclesiastes writes (Kohelet 11: 7-8), happiness can be found in small, everyday wonders –such as sunshine: “And the light is sweet and it is good for the eyes to behold the sun” (Umatok ha’or ve- tov la-einayim lir’ot et hashemesh).
The light of the sun is one of the many everyday wonders that add sweetness and joy to our lives. Special occasions such as birthdays, family reunions and Jewish holidays are sources of happiness as well. The holiday of Sukkot, for instance, is also called “The time of our happiness” (Zman simchateinu), as it is written (Deuteronomy 16:13-16): “And you shall be happy on your holiday… and be joyous.” (ve’samachta bi-chagecha… ve-hayita ach sameach)
Age Group: Preschool (4-6)
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