The customers at Grandfather’s bakery want to thank him for the delicious bagels that he bakes. When Grandfather explains that they should recognize God’s grace rather than thank him, Benny decides to do something to express his gratitude to God. Once a week, he puts a bag of bagels in the Torah ark (aron kodesh) in the synagogue, and God eats them happily – or so Benny thinks.
The book “Bagels From Benny” is based on a Jewish folktale, originating in Spain, in the Middle Ages. The book provides an opportunity to discuss the concept of gratitude, the expression of thanks, and our beliefs with our children.
Recognizing the good and expressing gratitude – “For your wonders and your benefits that are with us at all times” (Al nifleotecha ve’tovotecha she’bechol et) - from Silent Prayer, Amidah
The characters in the book express gratitue for what they are given – each in their own way: The customers would like to thank Grandfather for the bagels that he bakes, Grandfather directs their gratitude to God, Benny looks for a way to thank God, and the poor man who eats the bagels he finds in the Torah ark promises that from now on he will help others.
Thus, the Jewish value of “acknowledging the good” appears throughout the story. Acknowledging the good is admitting that nothing in this world is to be taken for granted. We should appreciate the good things with which we are blessed, be happy with our lot, and thankful for what we have been given.
This is a wonderful opportunity to observe the world together with your child and acknowledge its goodness.
Age Group: Preschool (4-6)
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