All week long the busy ant toils and prepares for Shabbat, while the cricket spends his days singing and dancing. When the cricket asks the ant for ingredients to bake a cake for Shabbat she is happy to comply – and in doing so, learns that she too may come to need his help. This rhyming take-off on the well-known fable by Aesop encourages conversation around neighborly relations and the Shabbat.
"Galgal Chozer Ba'olam" (loosely translated, "What goes around, comes around") – Talmud Bavli Shabbat (151b)
We build a better world when we help one another – and we never know who will need our help and when. The ant and the cricket are very different from one another, but they have good neighborly relations. They are generous to one another, help each other out, have fun together – they are friends! In the end, each one has the opportunity to help a friend.
Age Group: Preschool (3-5)
Copies Distributed:
הקיבוץ המאוחד
Year of Distribution:
5955 2014-2015