At a wedding feast, Marco the coal vendor “feeds” his fancy coat semolina cakes, stuffed vegetables—even rice! The astonished guests learn an important lesson about treating others with respect and dignity.
“Look not at the vessel, but at what it contains” (Rabbi Meir, Pirkei Avot [Wisdom of the Fathers], 4:20)
It’s natural to notice people’s external characteristics—how they’re built, how they’re dressed, and so on—but people’s outsides don’t always reflect what is inside: their truly important qualities, that are often invisible to the eye. The famous verse from Pirkei Avot reminds us not to judge people by their outward appearance, but to focus instead on their character.
“Eat, Coat, Eat” is a humorous adaptation for children of a popular folktale that appears, in different versions, in many cultures around the world. In this version, the story takes place in the Jewish community of North Africa.
Age Group: Preschool (3-5)
Copies Distributed:
אירידמדיה (מזרחי)
Year of Distribution:
Nine d 2013-2014