Age Group: Second Grade
What can possibly be interesting in a seal’s life? And if wonderful, extraordinary things just happen to happen – wouldn’t it get fed up of them too at some point? With great humor and sophistication, Fed Up makes us wonder about all that’s routine and constant in our lives, and about all those lives that seem so special and spectacular. Are they really? And how do they affect our appreciation for our own lives?
The Mishna sages suggested that we find wealth in life just as they are:
Who is rich? One who is happy with this lot
[Ethics of the Fathers, 4:1]
This seemingly simple suggestion is, in fact, challenging: how can we rediscover interest in our mundane lives each and every day anew? How can we feel “rich”, and enjoy what we have?
Book-Related Video
גלעד סופר – הסופר והמאייר, בראיון יחודי למשתתפי תוכנית ספריית פיג’מה! בעקבות הספר “נמאס” שכתב ואייר
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