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By: Naama Lahav illustrations: Naama Lahav

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

Galilea embarks upon a magical journey of imagination and wonders with the help of her magic hat. This voyage was inspired by the important Israeli poetess Leah Goldberg, and her children’s poem Magic Hat:

Every day, every day

I dream of a magic hat.

A small, feather cap

that does whatever I say.

[Leah Goldberg, Magic Hat, Poalim Library]


Galilea follows the girl in this poem: she too puts on a magic hat that takes her to many different places. The two girls – in the poem and book – ultimately return home, the place where they belong the most, from which they can set sail to dreams and stories, and to which they can always return.


Book-Related Video

“כובע קסמים” באדיבות דליה פרידלנד וילדי קיבוץ בית-אלפא

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עם עובד

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TSHFA 2020-2021