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Hannah Banana's Granny Cooked Porridge

By: Ora Eyal

Hannah Banana hurries on her way to Granny's house.  In the meanwhile, Granny serves the porridge she prepared for her granddaughter to other guests – until not a drop is left for Hannah Banana!  The parent suggestions focus on the special relationships that are woven among family members, on generosity, and on changes in plans – which sometimes lead to surprising results!

Hospitality ("Hachnasat Orchim"): "Let your home be open wide to the multitudes." (Pirkei Avot 1:5)

Hannah Banana's grandmother opens her home and her heart to her hungry neighbors, and treats them all to the delicious porridge she prepared. Oh, how nice it must be to be Grandmother's neighbor!  Jewish tradition places great import on good neighborly relations and home hospitality.  At holiday time, friends and families join together for meals and share in the festival joy. In many cases neighbors become part of our "extended family"; we care for one another and spend time together – just like family.

Inter-generational relations: "Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers." (Proverbs 17:6)


Like Hannah Banana and her grandmother, many grandchildren have a special relationship with their grandparents.  The verse in Proverbs offers a lovely image of this relationship: The grandchildren are like a crown on the head of the adult, bringing him respect, joy and pleasure. At the same time, children and grandchildren are proud of their parents and grandparents, in their wisdom and through the example they set.

Hannah Banana's Granny Cooked Porridge demonstrates the strong loving relationships among the generations of Hannah's family. The story depicts the great joy in the grandmother-granddaughter relationship, the mutual concern, and the ability of the young granddaughter to reassure her grandmother.


Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

Ora Eyal (1946-2011) was a well-known Israeli children’s author and illustrator of over 70 children’s books. Alongside the books she wrote, she illustrated books by some of Israel’s famous children’s writers, including Miriam Roth, David Grossman and Ronit Chacham. Eyal was the recipient of many prizes, including the Hans Christian Andersen award and the Israel Museum’s Ben-Yitzhak award for illustrations.

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