The children in the book enjoy eating their fruit, but where is the treasure? The wonder of nature is expressed in delightful rhymes that teach us all about the various fruit and colors, as well as processes of planting and growing that require time and patience.
Age Group: Preschool (4-6)
“Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat” (Genesis 2:16)
It’s easy to reach out and pick delicious fruit off a tree branch; we can open the refrigerator door at any time, take out a juicy piece of fresh fruit, and bite into it with relish. But it takes a long time for a seed to transform into edible fruit.
In the Book of Genesis we are told of the Garden of Eden, full of fruit trees, where man is tasked with tilling and protecting the earth. The world, with its plants and trees, is a treasure placed in our hands. Jewish tradition attributes great importance to planting, sowing seeds, and nurturing the world.
Hannan the Gardener leads the way in his cart through a world full of fruit and color, a world where each plant and fruit has a treasure for us to protect and nurture, so that it may bear fruit and continue on for generations to come.
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2018 2017-2018