"When Elad cried, Noam suddenly felt bad and wanted to say "I'm Sorry"… but the "sorry" wouldn't come out of his mouth."
Age Group: Daycare (2-3)
It is so difficult to admit you were wrong and say you’re sorry, and so important to learn how to do.
How do you correct a wrong, how do you say “I’m sorry”?
Young children are only just learning to control themselves, and do not always behave well.
Jewish tradition emphasizes every person’s ability to recognize their mistake, and choose the right path, while also emphasizing the other party’s duty to be sensitive to those who do wrong, and allow them to move on, and make amends.
As parents, we can serve as our children’s role models – admit when we are wrong, say we are sorry, and know that admitting our mistakes and moving on is the best way to go.
Copies Distributed:
Year of Distribution:
1977 2016-2017