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How the Chameleon Saved Noah

By: Yael Molchidesky illustrations: Orit Bergman

Who helps whom—does Noah help the chameleon, or the chameleon, Noah? This story, inspired by tales from rabbinic Midrash, is about tending to and caring for a small creature, and depicts the reciprocal relationships among the various creatures in the ark, large and small.

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

Noah’s Ark

Anyone who has ever had a pet knows the burden of responsibility entailed in caring for an animal. The biblical story of Noah and his family, and the animals that he took with him in the ark, has inspired many generations of tales and stories describing life in the ark and detailing how Noah and his family cared for the varied creatures on board. In vignettes depicting life on board the ark, our rabbis described the devoted care which Noah and his family gave to every single creature, each according to its needs, and the tremendous effort they made to provide each species with the right food.

The story “How the Chameleon Saved Noah” doesn’t merely show us Noah’s devotion to each creature—it also illustrates how a small creature like the chameleon can make itself useful to us humans—teaching us that every creature, no matter how small, is critical to the existence and survival of our planet.

Book-Related Video

שהרה בלאו בתוכניתה “בין השורות” על המבול

סבא טוביה – סיפורי התנ”ך – תיבת נח

איך להכין תיבת נח

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