How do you make your way to kindergarten with your child in the morning? Are you in a hurry? Are you relaxed? What do you notice on your way? In this book, Noga's father paints their walk together in bright colors, and accompanies her with conversation, imagination, and playfulness. Daily routine activities often create friction between parents and children, but they can also serve as wonderful opportunities for shared experiences and bonding.
Age Group: Daycare (2-3)
“Train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs, 22:6)
The Book of Proverbs, brimming with wise sayings, is advising us to note that each child has its own special way, and as parents and educators we must try to adapt our educating methods to their unique personality.
Noga’s father is attentive to her. He plays along with her, follows her interests, and encourages her to continue developing the game she had begun.
And so the walk to kindergarten becomes a realm for fun and creative make-believe.
Copies Distributed:
הקיבוץ המאוחד
Year of Distribution:
2018 2017-2018