English original: Joseph Had a Little Overcoat
Something wonderful happens in this book: Joseph’s frayed overcoat turns into a vest, a handkerchief, a button, and in the end, when nothing at all remains of it, absence turns into an advantage and the memory of the overcoat becomes a wonderful story!
The fact that, in the end, a story is all that remains of Joseph’s ever-changing articles of clothing underscores the importance of stories and storytelling; without the story, we wouldn’t know about his coat, about him, or about his world of the Jewish village of long ago. Through the story, all this remains preserved in our memory.
This is why we chose Joseph’s Wonderful Overcoat as the first book for Sifriyat Pyjama. It tells the story of a story and of the wonder of stories. Below are some ideas for discussion and activities based on the book to enjoy together with your children.
Ve’ Higadta Le’vincha ("You shall teach them to your children")
Storytelling is fundamental to Jewish tradition. It serves as a means to pass on and preserve the story of the Jewish people and its traditions from generation to generation. This includes the Torah and Oral Law, Jewish legends of the sages over the ages, and folktales.
Age Group: Preschool (4-6)
Book-Related Video
ספריית פיג’מה מציגה: ספרים של חורף
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