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Land of Preschool Children

By: Emunah Alon illustrations: Menachem Halberstadt

The children in a kindergarten class are busy getting ready for Independence Day (Yom Ha'atzmaut) and have built their own country out of blocks. How will the children respond when a new friend asks to join their ready-made "country"?  The story illustrates the complexity of the ingathering of the exiles and immigrant absorption – the realization of Jewish prayers throughout the ages: “Gather us together in our country from all corners of the earth.” Parent suggestions focus on including newcomers -- in the world of children and in the country at large.

Ingathering of the Exiles and the Establishment of the State of Israel 

“Gather us together in our country from all corners of the earth.” (from the Amidah prayer)

Throughout the generations Jews prayed for the day when they would be able to return to the land of Israel and establish an independent state.  This was their great dream.  From the beginning of Zionism many Jews from all over the world decided to make aliyah to Israel, to inhabit the land, "to build and to be built" in it.  On May 14, 1948 the Zionist dream was realized: The independent State of Israel was established!

The young State of Israel opened its gates to immigrants from the Diaspora.  Over the years millions of olim joined the state, despite hard times, poverty and conflict.  It has been said that "from oleh to oleh, our strength grows". Each immigrant contributed his or her part, and the state grew and flourished. It is not easy to include new friends in an existing group. And yet, the diversity of people, languages, flavors and traditions that each wave of immigration brought to the country make Israel a fascinating, creative society, in which there are many different ways of life, perspectives, and opportunities to continue to flourish.

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

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לפיכך התכנסנו: סרטון הכרזת המדינה על ידי דוד בן גוריון

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