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Mr. Fibber the Storyteller

By: Leah Goldberg illustrations: Yirmi Pinkus

What makes you laugh? What makes your children laugh? Do you laugh at the same things? In books, as in life, we find humor in role-switching, unreal or crazy situations, exaggeration, surprise endings, and more. Sometimes hearing certain sounds or seeing something absurd can make us laugh. In the spirit of the month of Adar and the Purim holiday, Sifriyat Pijama is pleased to present you “Mr. Fibber the Storyteller,” by author and poet Leah Goldberg and comic-book illustrator Jeremy Pincus. Mr. Fibber is an amusing character whose adventures were originally published many years ago, as a series in the periodical Davar for Children, with illustrations by Aryeh Navon.

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

Leah Goldberg (1911-1970), born in Kovno, Lithuania, was a poet, author, translator, lecturer, editor, and chairperson of the Department of Comparative Literature at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. When she was just 22 years old, she earned her Ph.D. in Semitic Linguistics in Berlin, Germany. In 1935, she made Aliyah to what was then Palestine and began publishing her works, swiftly becoming a famous and well-loved poet. Her books for children—Apartment for Rent, The Magician’s Hat, This Way Not That, and many other titles—have become classics of Hebrew literature. In 1970, Leah Goldberg was awarded the Israel Prize in Literature; sadly, she had passed away two months before, so her mother received the award in her name.

Yirmi Pinkus—author and illustrator—has now taken several of these stories and put them in comic-book form, so that you and your children may once again get to know the beloved character of Mr. Fibber.

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הקיבוץ המאוחד

Year of Distribution:

Nine d 2013-2014