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Nivi loves Ogi, the hamster in her sister’s nursery school. In a weak moment, she takes Ogi home without permission. Although she has the beloved hamster in her possession, Nivi is not happy. Now she has to live with the consequences of her action. Following are some thoughts and ideas for discussion and activity around this book:

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

“Mitzva goreret mitzvah, avera goreret avera” (One good deed leads to another good deed, one bad deed leads to another bad deed)


From the moment that Nivi puts the hamster in her pocket, she starts a chain reaction of forbidden actions. However, when she admits what she has done, she embarks on a new path to correcting her mistake. In the Mishna it is written “one good deed leads to another, one bad deed leads to another bad deed.” It describes how one bad deed leads a person to commit another bad deed in order to cover up the first bad deed. But when a person corrects course and chooses instead to go down the path of good deeds, one good deed leads to the next good deed.


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Year of Distribution:

2018 2017-2018, Nine d 2013-2014, nine 2009-2010