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Pit, Pet, Tu ("Chit, Chat, Chatter")

By: Haya Shenhav illustrations: Nurit Serfaty

Haya Shenhav's is a classic tale of three best friends out on an eventful journey. It is filled with imagination and humor about friendship, creativity, and overcoming obstacles.

Age Group: Daycare (2-3)

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity” (Psalms, 133:1)

Young children “chat” and imagine with their peers. They experiment with friendship together for the first time, and learn how to play with their friends. This story will encourage them to keep on imagining, chatting, and building great friendships.

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להקראת הסיפור עם גידי גוב ועופרה ויינגרטן

Copies Distributed:



עם עובד

Year of Distribution:

1977 2016-2017