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Rosie Revere, Engineer

By: Andrea Beaty illustrations: David Roberts

Rosie (in Hebrew: Hadas) builds wonderful gadgets from scraps. Sometimes she succeeds, other times she gets disappointed. This is a story about vision, initiative, and creativity that encouragers readers to believe in themselves, and remember that "the only true failure can come if you quit". "When I fall, I shall arise" (Micah 7:9) We all make mistakes, experience some downs, and fail. Failure is not easy to deal with! But just like Rosie (Hadas) and her aunt, we too can find the strength to get up and try again; we too can leverage our failed attempts and turn them into milestones to success.  

Age Group: First Grade

Book-Related Family Activities

Book-Related Video

3 טיפים לטיפוח ביטחון עצמי – סרטון מקסים מבית היוצר של TEDEDUCATION שימו לב שניתן להפעיל כתוביות בעברית.

איך הומצא הקרחון [קרטיב]? – סרטון קצרצר של TED EDUCATION שימו לב שניתן להפעיל כתוביות בעברית.

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555 2019-2020