This story was inspired by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov's The Turkey Prince When Tali is angry and refuses to join everyone seated at the table for lunch at Grandma's, her cousin Shira knows exactly what to do: she joins Tali under the table, and slowly leads her back to the family gathering. Later, when grandma is angry, Tali knows exactly how to help her. "As in water face to face, so the heart of man to man" (Proverbs 27:19)
Age Group: Preschool (3-5)
King Solomon likens the relationships between people to staring into a body of water. When we look into a body of water, we see our own reflection. Our surroundings mirror our feelings, like a reflection in the water: if we smile at a friend – our friend will smile back; if we pout – they will too. Moods are part of our daily lives. The attention we give a friend, as well as the sympathy and love we show toward them, help to “remove their spikes”, exactly as Shira did with Tali.
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כנרת זמורה
Year of Distribution:
555 2019-2020