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The Carrot Seed

By: Crockett Johnson illustrations: Crockett Johnson

A young boy plants a carrot seed. Everyone tells him the carrot will not grow. And yet… it does! "The Carrot Seed" invites readers to share in the child's anticipation, care, and ultimate wonder surrounding the growth of the carrot.

"You worked hard and you found it – Believe!" (Yaga’ta U’matzata – Ta’amin)


The boy in the story has faith that a carrot will grow from the tiny seed, without any visible proof and in spite of the skepticism expressed by those around him. He cares for his  seed with enormous patience and persistence, waters the soil, removes weeds and waits in anticipation… until the time is ripe and the carrot shoots out of the soil.

"The Carrot Seed" is much more than the story of a growing carrot. It is also a tale of patience, faith and tenacity. In Jewish tradition, planting symbolizes belief in the future, optimism and commitment. One can imagine the boy's great joy upon eating the carrot whose growth he fostered, as reflected in the verse "How happy you shall be, when you eat the fruit of your labors" (Psalms 128,2).

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

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2013 2012-2013