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The Cooking Penguins

By: Nurit Zarchi illustrations: Anat Warshavsky

Three penguin brothers cook a unique broth together. They find their cooking delicious, and are certain others will enjoy it too. Must everyone like the same things? How do others' opinions affect our taste – and not just in food?

Age Group: Second Grade

“There’s no accounting for taste”


Each of us has their own preferences, thoughts, and choices. The range of opinions and tastes among people is fascinating and beautiful, but may also cause frustration. When we believe in ourselves, in the path we have paved for ourselves, and our creation, we must stick to them. But at the same time, we must also be considerate of others’ opinions and feelings.

Children’s author Nurit Zarchi wrote an amusing and seemingly innocent tale with multiple meanings and several open riddles. For instance: how is it that none of the passengers on the first boat liked the penguins’ local delicacy? And what, if anything, changed during the story and may help explain the opposite response provided by the passengers on the second boat?

Enjoy reading and discussing this book!


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מודן וספריית נח

Year of Distribution:

5779 2018-2019