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The Littlest Levine

By: Sandy Lanton, Translated into Hebrew by Devora Busheri illustrations: Claire Keay

Hannah does not like being the youngest in her family; she too wants to help like everyone else, and go to school with her older siblings. But on Seder Night everything changes, because that's when being the littlest is the best!

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

“And you shall tell your child” – Seder Night

For over 2000 years family and friends gather round the table on Seder Night to recant the story of the exodus, and pass on traditions and customs from one generation to the next. The children are at the center of the festivities, and their questions are addressed with great respect and excitement.

In many homes, the youngest child sings the Four Questions (Ma Nishtana). “On this night”, being the littlest is the best!

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מ' מזרחי

Year of Distribution:

1977 2016-2017