The Magnificent Tree
By: Nick Bland and Stephen Michael King illustrations: Nick Bland and Stephen Michael King
Pop's big, creative ideas, and his granddaughter Bonny's organized planning, make their dream come true – a warm and inviting home for all the local birds.
"Two are better than one" (Ecclesiastes, 4:9)
Many sources teach us the value of co-existence, and the worth of each person's unique contribution to the world.
What's better? To be organized and methodical, or daring and creative? When we learn to appreciate one another, join forces and collaborate with friends who are different that we are, we can create things that are wonderful, daring, inspirational and well-constructed.
Age Group: Preschool (3-5)
Copies Distributed:
מ' מזרחי
Year of Distribution:
תשע"ו 2015-2016