A mouse sees a read, juicy apple on the tree, and decides to wait patiently until it falls off. The mouse's friends wait and wait… until one by one they give up and leave.
Sometimes we need to take action in order to achieve our goals, and other times it is best to be patient and wait. This is a story about patience paying off.
Age Group: Preschool (4-6)
It is not easy to wait patiently for something. Children often want things “Now!”, and find it difficult to wait in expectation. One of the Hebrew words for ‘waiting’, Hamtana, is just a letter longer than one the words for ‘gift’, Matana. And indeed, good things come to those who wait, and patience is a recipe for sweet rewards.
“He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty” (Proverbs, 16:32)
King Solomon is quoted in the book of Proverbs as saying that one who is patient and slow to anger is better than a mighty man who has single-handedly conquered a city. Might is not measured by physical strength, but rather by one’s ability to be patient.
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1977 2016-2017