Rama has been sick for three days. She lays in bed, and does not go out to play. Her toys decide to surprise her, and go pay her a visit. This is a story about friendship, concern for a friend's wellbeing, and visiting the sick.
Age Group: Preschool (4-6)
Visiting the sick
The mitzvah of visiting the sick has been part of Jewish tradition since the days of our forefather Abraham; many stories on the Jewish bookshelf describe the importance of visiting the sick. Helping a sick person and making them feel that others care for them, are concerned about them, and miss them, may be as therapeutic as medicine. In these wintry days, when a sneeze follows a cough, it’s good to be reminded of the sick people around us, and of the importance of visiting them.
Copies Distributed:
עם עובד
Year of Distribution:
1977 2016-2017