Age Group: Preschool (3-5)
Playing together is such great fun! But wait, is it really together? – Children slowly develop empathy, and learn to notice that not everyone feels and thinks the same way they do; that what is right for them, does not always make others comfortable. The Two of Us suggests we switch roles once in a while, look at the world from the other’s perspective, and find a way for everyone to enjoy themselves and belong.
As in water, a face sees its face in the water, so the heart of man to man
Just as water reflects a person’s face, so does their heart reflect the heart of another: If it is whole toward the other, then the other’s heart is whole toward them [Proverbs, 27:19, based on Tov HaLevanon, Gate 8, chapter 3)
טל מאי
Year of Distribution:
תשפ״ד 2023-2024