"Ma Rabu Ma'asecha" (How great are your deeds) - Psalms 104:24:
It takes a flower to build a table! This beautiful picture book evokes a sense of wonder and appreciation of small details in our world, and invites readers to ponder upon the intricate inter-relations and nature of creation.
"Blessed are You… who let nothing lack in His world, and created within it good creatures and good trees in order to give us pleasure…" (from Birkat Ha'ilanot, the Blessing of the Trees)
In today's modern world we so often take for granted the many things that surround us, and we rarely ask ourselves how they were created or where they came from.
It is customary to recite the blessing of the trees upon sighting budding tree blossoms in early spring. The blessing reminds us to stop and consider how even something that appears to exist solely for its aesthetic value, is a crucial part of the wonderful process of renewal and creation.
Age Group: Preschool (4-6)
Copies Distributed:
Year of Distribution:
5955 2014-2015