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Who Wants a Piggyback?

By: David Grossman illustrations: Gilad Soffer

Age Group: Preschool (4-6)

What are your evenings at home like? Are you preoccupied? Are you relaxed? Do you read a bedtime story together, chat, orn play games together?

In this book, Yonatan’s father paints their walk together to bed in bright colors, and accompanies him with creativity, imagination, and playfulness.

Daily routine activities often create friction between parents and children, but they can also serve as wonderful opportunities for shared experiences and family bonding.


Enjoy reading the book!


“Train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs, 22:6)


The Book of Proverbs, brimming with wise sayings, is advising us to note that each child has their own special way, and as parents and educators we must try to adapt our educating methods to their unique personality.

Yonatan’s father is attentive to him and his feelings. They play along with him, and are able to lead the shared experience from active playtime to a time of intimacy and calm.

And so the transition from daytime to bedtime becomes a shared environment for family intimacy and creativity.

Book-Related Video

פרק בתכנית “מה זה מוזה” ובו דויד גרוסמן מדבר על ספריו ומגלה מאיפה באים הרעיונות לסיפורים

Copies Distributed:



עם עובד

Year of Distribution:

2018 2017-2018