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Nuri's Tunnel

By: Roni Gelbfish illustrations: Rotem Teplow

What do we do when we do not understand something? The rule is simple – we ask! But is it really that easy? A bashful one cannot learn (Mishna, Ethics of the Fathers, 2:5)

Age Group: Preschool (3-5)

The story about Nuri captures her embarrassment and difficulty asking and admitting that she did not understand, even to someone as close to her as her grandfather. To her surprise, she discovers that her questions are important and welcomed with love. Like Nuri, we all feel puzzled sometimes and are embarrassed to ask. If we only admitted it, we would be able to keep learning and developing.

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מאזינים לספרים! הסכתים לילדים (והורים) שאוהבים סיפורים! 🎧 מוכנים?! מת-חי-לים! מספרים: דידי שחר וירדן בר כוכבא הלפרין. עריכה ובימוי: ירדן בר כוכבא הלפרין מוזיקה מקורית: טל בלכרוביץ׳ פתיח: דידי שחר

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