While the various animals take care of themselves, Iddo worries about the little ladybird (ladybug), and shelters it from the rain. This story is about being sensitive to others, feeling compassionate, and taking care of the weak.
Age Group: Preschool (4-6)
“A man’s gift makes room for him” (Proverbs, 18:16)
Giving others benefits both giver and receiver. The above verse from the book of Proverbs teaches us that generosity does not take away from the givers, but rather adds to and enriches them. That is why attending to the weak, and helping others, often make us feel satisfaction and intimacy. In The Ladybird in the Rain Iddo notices the ladybird, picks it up, shelters it, and is pleasantly tickled. Every time we give, our giving leaves its mark.
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Year of Distribution:
2018 2017-2018