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Yakinton: A Story about Friendship and Song

By: Shoham Smit illustrations: Roni Fahima

Age Group: Second Grade

The melody of the heart

What connects people to one another? Shared background, interests, qualities? Leah and Rivka grew up in different social environments, and lived hundreds of miles away from one another. They met years later in Eretz Israel, and despite their differences, became good friends thanks to their love of music, Hebrew and children. The encounter between Leah Goldberg and Rivka Gvili led not only to a unique friendship, but to one of the best loved and well-known Israeli children’s songs. Pizmon LaYakinton was the result of two hearts connecting. When our hearts open up, we can create wonderful things – melodies of the heart, joint masterpieces, and lasting friendship.


Enjoy reading and discussing the book together!

Book-Related Video

שווה צפיה! ראיון של נעמי שמר עם רבקה גווילי – הסיפור מאחורי השיר “פזמון ליקינתון”, דקה 19:48

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5779 2018-2019