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A book about A hand

By: רינת הופר illustrations: רינת הופר

I have fingers, ten of them There's nothing they can't do: They can paint and they can draw, Beat upon the drum, too! (“I have ten fingers”, Rivka Davidit)  

Age Group: Daycare (2-3)

Toddlers discover their hands  as part of their journey to discover themselves and the world. They discover that they can clap their hands and play music, they can “talk” with their hands, build and play games. In the imagination games of toddlers, hands can fly and run, swim or grow leaves and branches.  “A book about A hand” invites adults and little children to participate in finger games of magic and imagination, to read and play as a shared family fun activity.

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Year of Distribution:

2015 2021-2022